Elementary Fourth Edition Unit Tests Answers Continued



Unit tests answers


Unit 1  Test A

1 2 What  3  How  4  What  5  Where  6  What

2 Students' own answers 2 My first name's … 3 I'm … (years old).

4 My email address is …

5 I'm from … / I'm (English, etc.).

6 My phone number's …

3 2 Are you from France? Yes, I am.

3 Are you an American student? No, I'm not.

4 Are they 18? No, they aren't.

5 Is she married? Yes, she is.

6 Is his surname Kowalski? No, it isn't.



have  3  go

4  's/is

5  live  6  likes  7  learn



name's (is)

3  John's (P)

4  She's (is)


father's (P)

6  Bruce's (P)

7  He's (is)


2  d  3  e

4  a

5  c

6  b




3  horrible  4  small  5  easy



7  difficult

8  sunny

8 2 Pleased to meet you.

3 well!

4 Same to you.

5 I'm just looking.

6 And you.

9 2

grandmother  3  father  4  mother  5  son



10 2 No, she isn't. She's a student.

3 No, they aren't. Judy is a doctor and Victor is a salesman.

4 They're from the USA.

5 Yes, they are. They are very friendly.

6 Judy's aunt is Junko's teacher.

7 No, it isn't. It's beautiful.

8 No, it isn't.

9 No, they aren't. They're expensive.

10 No, it isn't. The food is good./Junko likes the food.

11 Yoshi is in Cambridge.

11 Model answer

Hi Junko!

Thanks for your email. I'm fine. I have classes in English at the Cambridge English School. They're difficult!

I live in a big house with three other people: Bruno is a teacher, Eleni is a student, and Afzal is a doctor. They are friendly, but it's difficult to understand them.

The house is horrible – but it's cheap. The weather's OK

– sunny and cold. Cambridge is expensive!

Write again soon. Love


12 Students' own answers

Unit 1  Test B

1 2

He's (is)

3  Serge's (P)  4  brother's (P)


John's (P)

6  mother's (P)  7  name's (is)

2 2 Is his surname Chen? No, it isn't.

3 Is she married? Yes, she is.

4 Is his first name Orhan? Yes, it is.

5 Are you an English doctor? No, I'm not.

6 Are you from Hungary? Yes, I am.

3 2 Where  3  What  4  What  5  What  6  How

4 Students' own answers:

2 I'm from …/I'm (English, etc.)

3 My phone number's…

4 My surname's …

5 My first name's …

6 I'm … (years old).



c  3  a

4  e

5  d

6  b




3  difficult

4  easy

5  small



7  expensive  8  sunny



have  3  go

4  is

5  live

6  likes  7  learn

8 2 No, she isn't. She's a student.

3 No, they aren't. Shannon is a doctor and Dexter is a salesman.

4 They are from the USA.

5 Yes, they are. They are friendly and Shireen likes them.

6 Shireen's teacher is Shannon's uncle.

7 No, it isn't. It's expensive but nice.

8 Yes, it is.

9 Yes, they are.

10 Yes, it is. Shireen really likes the food!

11 Imad is in Oxford.

9 Model answer

Hi Shireen!

Thanks for your email. I'm fine. I have classes in English at the Oxford English School. They're difficult! I live in a small house with three other people: Dave is a student, Flora is a doctor, and Vijay is a teacher. They are friendly, but it's difficult to understand them.

The house is horrible – but it's cheap. The weather's OK

– sunny and cold. Oxford is expensive!

Write again soon.



10 2 And you.

3 Pleased to meet you.

4 well!

5 Same to you.

6 Anything else?



grandmother  3  father  4  mother  5  son




Students' own answers

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011


Unit tests answers  Continued

Unit 2  Test A

1 4   5    9    10    11

2 2 Where does she work?

3 Jorge doesn't have any children.

4 She earns £50,000 a year.

5 My cousin lives in an expensive apartment. / My cousins live in an expensive apartment.

6 Does Ahmed come from Egypt?

3 2

comes  3  lives

4  works

5  earns  6  likes


help  8  walks

9  write

10  's

4 2 Where does she come from?

3 Does she live in Virginia?

4 Where does she work?

5 How much does she earn?

6 Does she have a cat?

7 What does she do in her free time?

5 2 a  3  f  4  b  5  d  6  c

6 /s/ looks works likes walks writes /z/ goes earns teaches

7 2 Japan.

3 Yes, she does.

4 Yes, she does.

5 No, she doesn't. She walks to work.

6 One.

7 2 p.m.

8 No, they don't. They go home with their mother. 9 Yes, she is.

10 Her husband.

8 Model answer

Luis Santos comes from Brazil but he lives and works in London. He is married to Jenny. They have two children, Max and Sofia. He speaks English and Portuguese at home.

Luis is a hairdresser. He works from 10.00 a.m. until 2.30.

Luis loves hairdressing.

9 2 It's quarter past ten.

3 7.45

4 It's twenty past two.

5 It's twenty to seven.

6 1.30

10 2 It leaves at quarter past eleven.

3 It starts at quarter to ten.

4 Is it nearly nine o'clock now?

5 Never mind.

11 Students' own answers





Unit 2  Test B

1 2

comes  3  lives

4  works

5  earns  6  likes


help  8  walks

9  write  10  's

2 2 Where does she come from?

3 Does she live in North Carolina?

4 Where does she work?

5 How much does she earn? / What does she earn? 6 Does she have a cat?

7 What does she do in her free time?

3 2   3    4    8    11

4 2 Does Ahmed come from Oman?

3 She earns $5,000 a day.

4 What does Alicia do in her free time?

5 My brother loves writing.

6 Maria doesn't have any children.

5 2 China.

3 Yes, he does.

4 Yes, he does.

5 No, he doesn't. He walks to work.

6 One.

7 2.30 p.m.

8 No, they don't. They go home with their father.

9 Yes, he is.

10 His wife.

6 Model answer

Isobel de Menezes comes from Portugal but she lives and works in Edinburgh. She is married to Duncan. They have two children, Isla and David. They speak English and Portuguese at home.

Isobel is a receptionist in a hotel. She works from 10.00 a.m. until 2.30 p.m.

Isobel loves her family and she loves her job.

7 2 It's quarter past twelve.

3 9.45

4 It's twenty past six.

5 It's twenty to four.

6 5.30

8 2 e  3  g  4  c  5  f  6  d

9 /s/ likes walks

/z/ lives goes earns plays teaches has

10 2 Is it nearly eight o'clock now?

3 Never mind.

4 It starts at quarter to nine.

5 It leaves at quarter past twelve.

11 Students' own answers

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011




Unit tests answers  Continued


Unit 3  Test A

1 2 has  3  lives  4  play  5  get up  6  go  7  eats

2 2 Miriam doesn't work at home.

3 We don't live in a flat.

4 He isn't tired and he doesn't want to go home. 5 I don't finish work at 5.30 p.m.

6 Our dog doesn't like going for walks.

7 They don't stay at home on Saturday evenings.

3 2

watch TV  3  listen to music  4  go shopping


cook dinner

4 3 Who do you live with?

5 What time do you get up?

7 How do you travel to work / school?

9 What do you do on Sundays?

2, 4, 6, 8, 10  Students' own answers




3  never

4  always

5  never  6  always





get up

3  drink

4  work

5  design


don't cook

7  eat  8  spend  9  watch

10  doesn't like

11  goes  12  dance

7 2 Excuse me. What does 'boutique' mean?

3 Pardon? Could you say that again, please?

4 Never mind. Come and sit down.

5 Excuse me. Can you help me?

6 Thanks. Same to you.

7 Sure. Good idea.

8 2 K

3  M  4  B  5  M  6  K  7  B  8  B  9  B

10  B

11  M

9 Model answer

I live in Carlisle in the north of England. My favourite seasons are spring and autumn because they are the best times to go walking. I love walking in the hills near Carlisle with my friends and sometimes we go to the Scottish mountains.

10 Students' own answers

Unit 3  Test B

1 3 What time do you get up?

5 How do you travel to work?

7 Who do you live with?

9 What do you do on Sundays?

2, 4, 6, 8, 10  Students' own answers



cook dinner  3  listen to music  4  play cards


watch TV



never  3  never  4  always  5  never  6  always



4 2 Pardon? Could you say that again, please?

3 Excuse me. What does 'boutique' mean?

4 Never mind. Come and sit down.

5 Sure. Good idea.

6 How was your day?

7 Excuse me. Can you help me?

5 2 get up  3  love  4  play  5  has  6  eats  7  go

6 2 They don't stay at home on Saturday evenings.

3 We don't live in a flat.

4 She isn't tired and she doesn't want to go home. 5 I don't finish work at 6.00 p.m.

6 She doesn't go to bed late.

7 David doesn't work at home.

7 2 E

3  E  4  A  5  A  6  E  7  A  8  B  9  E

10  B

11  E

8 Model answer

I live in Carlisle in the north of England. My favourite seasons are spring and autumn because they are the best times to go walking. I love walking in the hills near Carlisle with my friends and sometimes we go to the Scottish mountains.



get up  3  drink

4  work  5  design


don't cook

7  eat

8  spend  9  watch

10  doesn't like

11  goes  12  dance


Students' own answers

Unit 4  Test A

1 2 are  3  Are  4  aren't  5  is  6  isn't  7  is

2 2 Is there a

3 Are there any

4 Is there a

5 Is there a

6 Are there any

7 Are there any

8 Is there a

9 Are there any

10 Is there any Students' own answers




3  any

4  some

5  a  6  an  7  any




3  these

4  This

5  those  6  those


These  8  Those  9  that  10  that

5 2 Why do people stay in capsule hotels?

3 How many people sleep in a capsule hotel?

6 2 They're small.

3 No, there aren't.

4 Yes, there is.

5 Yes, there are.

6 No, there isn't.

7 No, they aren't.

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011


Unit tests answers  Continued

7 Model answer

My favourite room is the kitchen. It's small but it has everything there we need. There aren't any pictures, but there is a large wall diary on the wall. I like eating there with the family. There is a cooker, a big fridge, a dishwasher, a table and there are some chairs.

8 2

wonderful  3  fabulous  4  great  5  awful


horrible  7  great  8  amazing

9 2 Yes, they are very nice.

3 Yes, it is really expensive.

4 No, they aren't very new.

5 Yes, it's really big.

10 2

much  3  £35  4  crazy  5  really  6  special



11 2 £125

3 11/4

4 10 1/2

5 £1,000,000

6 8,000

7 2.5

8 020 81362449

9 301

10 8.25

12 Students' own answers



7 Model answer

My favourite room is the kitchen. It's small but it has everything there we need. There aren't any pictures, but there is a large wall diary on the wall. I like eating there with the family. There is a cooker, a big fridge, a dishwasher, a table and there are some chairs.

8 2


3  great  4  wonderful  5  horrible



7  fabulous  8  amazing

9 2 301

3 51/4

4 2.25

5 8,000

6 £2,000,000

7 1.5

8 070 61365448

9 9 1/2

10 8.25

10 2

much  3  £500  4  crazy  5  really  6  special



11 2 No, they're not very new.

3 Yes, it's really big.

4 Yes, they're very nice.

5 Yes, it's really expensive.

12 Students' own answers

Unit 4  Test B

1 2 Are there any

3 Are there any

4 Are there any

5 Is there a

6 Is there a

7 Is there a

8 Is there a

9 Are there any

10 Is there any Students' own answers




3  these

4  This

5  those  6  those


These  8  Those  9  that  10  that




3  any

4  some

5  a

6  an

7  any




3  are

4  is  5  isn't

6  Are

7  is

5 2 Why do people stay in capsule hotels?

3 How many people sleep in a capsule hotel?

6 2 They're small.

3 Yes, there is.

4 No, there aren't.

5 Yes, there are.

6 No, there isn't.

7 No, they aren't.

Unit 5  Test A

1 3 Can Bianca play

4 No, she can't

5 can drive

6 Can they ride

7 No, they can't

2 2 My friend wasn't at work.

3 It was hot in Egypt.

4 My wife and I were teachers.

5 My mother and father weren't busy.

6 Was your dad a businessman?

7 Were your friends from Mexico?

3 2 Could your mother drive a car when she was twenty?

3 Could you ride a bike when you were ten?

4 Could you ski when you were twelve?

5 Could you use a computer when you were five?

6 Could your father swim when he was seven?

4 3


4  was  5  could

6  could  7  could



9  wasn't  10  was

11  Were  12  wasn't

5 2 sunglasses

3 handbag

4 living room

5 motorway

6 text messages

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011




Unit tests answers  Continued


6 2 Zainep's sister can play the guitar a (little) bit. 3 He can't say anything at all in Arabic.

4 We can cook quite well.

5 They can't skateboard at all.

7 2 a  3  b  4  a  5  b  6  b  7  a  8  a  9  b

8 2 proud

3 passionate

4 hard

5 hard-working

6 important

7 busy


2 F  3  T  4  ?  5  F  6  ?  7  T  8  ?


Model answer

77 Sunset Road Southgate

N14 8PR

Jennifer Richey

31 North Avenue Southgate

N14 1HD

17 June 2010 Dear Ms Richey

I am interested in working in your music shop. I am 19 years old and I am a music student at Middlesex University. I love music and I play the piano and guitar. I know a lot about classical music, but I can talk about any type of music. I play the guitar in a country and western group with some friends.

I am free at weekends, so I can work in your shop from 9.30–5.30 on Saturdays.

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely

Archie Johns

11 2 Sorry, I haven't got any money.

3 Could you give me your telephone number?

4 Certainly, sir. Cheese or chicken?

5 Can you give me a hand with this bag? 6 Yes, of course.

12 Students' own answers

Unit 5  Test B

1 2 Could you brother speak Spanish when he was five? 3 Could you skateboard when you were seven?

4 Could you paint when you were ten?

5 Could you use a computer when you were six? 6 Could your father ride a motorbike when he was


2 2 I was a student.

3 Were your friends from Poland?

4 Was your mum a businesswoman?

5 My grandparents weren't on holiday.

6 My brother and I were happy.

7 It was cold in Canada.

3 3 Can Anita play

4 No, she can't.

5 can run

6 Can they drive

7 No, they can't.



important  3  hard  4  proud  5  passionate



7  independent




4  was  5  could

6  could  7  could



9  wasn't  10  was

11  Were  12  wasn't

6 2 He lives in England.

3 They are teachers.

4 He studies maths at university.

5 His mother teaches him at home.

6 Because the teachers couldn't help him.

7 Because he studies a lot.

8 He could play with other children.

7 2 sunglasses

3 handbag

4 living room

5 motorway

6 text messages

8 2 Ralf's uncle can play the guitar a (little) bit. 3 She can't say anything at all in Spanish.

4 My dad can cook quite well.

5 They can't dance at all.

9 2 a  3  b  4  a  5  a  6  b  7  b  8  b  9  b

10 2 Can you give me a hand with this bag? 3 Could you open the window, please? 4 Certainly, sir. Cheese or chicken?

5 Sorry, I haven't got any money.

6 Yes, of course.

11 Model answer

77 Sunset Road Southgate

N14 8PR

Seamus Keating 84 Totteridge Lane Muswell Hill

N11 5PP

17 June 2010 Dear Mr Keating

I am interested in working in your music shop. I am 19 years old and I am a music student at Middlesex University. I love music and I play the piano and violin. I know a lot about classical music, but I can talk about

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011




Unit tests answers  Continued


any type of music. I play the piano in a pop group with some friends.

I am free at weekends, so I can work in your shop from 9.30–2.00 on Saturdays.

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely

Jessica O'Brien

12 Students' own answers.

Unit 6  Test A

1 2 didn't have

3 made

4 could sing

5 write

6 went

2 2 were

3 were

4 didn't start

5 caught

6 did you want

7 did he interview

8 did Michael Phelps win

3 2 What did you watch on TV last week?

3 Where did you meet your best friend?

4 What did you have for lunch last night?

5 When did you last have a holiday?

6 When did you last send an email?

4 Students' own answers

5 2


3  earned

4  wanted  5  went  6  left



8  became

9  married  10  had

11  started

6 2 Seven.

3 With his brothers.

4 He was a fantastic singer and dancer.

5 They were worried about his behaviour / because he had a lot of problems.

6 Two.

7 Fifty.

8 He was world-famous.

9 He wrote to Jackson's family.

7 2

annoyed  3  interesting  4  bored  5  excited



8 Model answer

David Beckham was born in 1975. When he was a child, his family lived in Leytonstone, near London. His wife, Victoria, is a model and pop star, and they have

three children. He started playing football when he was a boy and in 1991 he went to Manchester United as a junior player. In 2000, he was captain of the England team. Later, he played in Spain, the USA, and Italy.

9 2 2/9/1907

3 the twenty-first of December, two thousand and one 4 the third of April, nineteen eighty-four

5 14/7/1789

6 the thirty-first of January, eighteen hundred

10 /t/ asked, talked, watched /d/ interviewed, opened /Id/ exported

11 Students' own answer

Unit 6  Test B

1 2 When did you last send a text message?

3 Where did you go on holiday last summer?

4 What did you have for lunch yesterday?

5 When did you meet your best friend?

6 What did you watch on TV last weekend?

2 Students' own answers

3 2 caught

3 did Michael Phelps win

4 didn't start

5 were

6 did he interview

7 did you want

8 were

4 2 sing

3 went

4 didn't have

5 write

6 made




3  earned

4  wanted  5  went  6  left



8  became

9  married  10  had

11  started



interesting  3  annoyed  4  excited  5  bored



7 2 14/7/1789

3 the thirty-first of December, nineteen hundred

4 the third of April, nineteen ninety-five

5 the eighth of December, two thousand and ten

6 6/9/1904

8 /t/ asked, talked, watched /d/ interviewed, moved /Id/ exported

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011




Unit tests answers  Continued


9 2 Seven.

3 With his brothers.

4 He was a fantastic singer and dancer.

5 They were worried about his behaviour / because he had a lot of problems.

6 Two.

7 Fifty.

8 He was world-famous.

9 He wrote to Jackson's family.

10 Model answer

David Beckham was born in 1975. When he was a child, his family lived in Leytonstone, near London. His wife, Victoria, is a model and pop star, and they have three children. He started playing football when he was a boy and in 1991 he went to Manchester United as a junior player. In 2000, he was captain of the England team. Later, he played in Spain, the USA, and Italy.

11 Students' own answers

Unit 7  Test A

1 2 published

3 was

4 didn't have

5 Did people listen

6 didn't bring

7 did you get

8 didn't have

9 Did you enjoy

10 talked

2 2 When / What time did the film start?

3 How did you go to the airport?

4 What did you buy?

5 How much did he pay?

6 Did she like it?

7 Why didn't you come?

3 2

3 She didn't start the swim in England, she started in France.

4 She didn't leave in the evening of 6 August 1926. She left in the morning at 7.05.


6 The officer in England didn't give Ederle a flag. He asked her for her passport.

7 She didn't marry a movie star. She became the star in a movie, and she never married.


4 Model answer

Sir Edmund Percival Hillary was from New Zealand. On 29 May 1953 he and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first people to reach the top of Mount Everest.

Hillary became interested in mountains when he was at school. In 1939, he climbed Mount Ollivier in New Zealand.

Hillary and Tenzing spent about 15 minutes at the top of the mountain. Hillary took a famous photo of Tenzing.

After he came back from Mount Everest, Hillary started the Himalayan Trust to help the Sherpa people. The trust built many schools and hospitals in Nepal.

5 2 asked

3  woke

4  eat

5  meet

6  did  7  take

8  took

9  wave

10  see

11  Did

12  sold

6 2 Valentine's Day

3 wedding day

4 Thanksgiving

5 Hallowe'en

6 New Year's Eve

7 2 in  3  at  4  in  5  on  6  in

8 2 I write important letters carefully.

3 Rafael often gets up late.

4 We worked hard before the test.

5 I dropped the cup, but fortunately it didn't break.

6 Learning a foreign language is hard work.

7 Please talk quietly, the baby's sleeping.

8 Matthew's a bad driver.

9 Luigi speaks fluent English. / Luigi speaks English fluently.

10 We phoned the police immediately. / We immediately phoned the police.

9 2 The plane took off immediately.

3 The flight went really well.

4 Everything went well until they flew into fog.

5 The news quickly went round the world.

6 We got up late this morning and unfortunately, we missed the bus.

10 Students' own answers

Unit 7

Test B

1 2


3  take

4  took

5  meet  6  did  7  woke



9  Did

10  sold

11  invite  12  asked

2 2 Did people listen

3 didn't bring

4 didn't have

5 published

6 was

7 did you get

8 didn't have

9 Did you enjoy

10 did you go

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011




Unit tests answers  Continued


3 2 Did he like it?

3 Why didn't they come?

4 What did you buy?

5 How much did he pay?

6 When / What time did the film start?

7 How did you go to Spain?

4 2 We worked hard before the test.

3 Learning French is hard work.

4 I write important letters carefully.

5 I dropped the plate, but fortunately it didn't break. 6 Donna often gets up late.

7 We phoned the police immediately. / We immediately phoned the police.

8 Ben speaks fluent Arabic. / Ben speaks Arabic fluently.

9 Jamal is a bad driver.

10 Please talk quietly, grandma's sleeping.

5 2 New Year's Eve

3 Hallowe'en

4 Thanksgiving

5 Valentine's Day

6 wedding day

6 2

3 She didn't start the swim in England, she started in France.

4 She didn't leave in the evening of 6 August 1926. She left in the morning at 7.05.


6 The officer in England didn't give Ederle a flag. He asked her for her passport.

7 She didn't marry a movie star. She became the star in a movie, and she never married.


7 Model answer

Sir Edmund Percival Hillary was from New Zealand. On 29 May 1953 he and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first people to reach the top of Mount Everest.

Hillary became interested in mountains when he was at school. In 1939, he climbed Mount Ollivier in New Zealand.

Hillary and Tenzing spent about 15 minutes at the top of the mountain. Hillary took a famous photo of Tenzing.

After he came back from Mount Everest, Hillary started the Himalayan Trust to help the Sherpa people. The trust built many schools and hospitals in Nepal.

8 2 The flight went really well.

3 The plane took off immediately.

4 They got up late this morning and unfortunately, they missed the train.

5 The news quickly went round the world.

6 Everything went well until they flew into fog.

9 2 in  3  on  4  in  5  at  6  in 10 Students' own answers

Unit 8  Test A

1 2 Broccoli is horrible.

3 I think yoghurt is delicious.

4 The tomatoes are in the fridge.

5 Apple juice is nice in the morning.

6 This cheese is old.




3  some

4  an  5  a  6  some  7  a






3  Do

4  Would

5  Do

6  Would


Students' own answers




3  much

4  any

5  some

6  some



8  many

9  some

10  any

11  some

6 2 scissors; hardware shop or stationer's

3 newspaper; newsagent's

4 envelopes; stationer's

5 shampoo; chemist's

6 toothpaste; chemist's

7 2 A  3  C  4  B  5  D  6  C  7  A  8  B  9  B

8 Model answer

You chop and fry the onions. You add flour and thyme and chopped tomatoes to the onions. You put in the minced meat, mix it with the onions and tomatoes and fry it. You add salt and pepper. Then you boil the potatoes, and mix it with butter and milk. Put the meat in a dish, and cover it with the potatoes. Bake it in the over at 180°C until the top turns brown.















3  small  4  else  5  What

6  much



8  expensive  9  lemonade

10  take away

11  over


Students' own answers

Unit 8  Test B




3  Do

4  Would

5  Do

6  Would


Students' own answers




3  much

4  any

5  some

6  some



8  many

9  some

10  any

11  some

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011




Unit tests answers  Continued


4 2 This butter is old.

3 The potatoes are in the fridge.

4 I think milk is delicious.

5 Tomato juice is nice in the morning.

6 Peas are horrible.




3  a  4  some

5  an

6  a

7  some
















C  3  A  4  D

5  B

6  C

7  C

8  B

9  D

8 Model answer

You chop and fry the onions. You add flour and thyme and chopped tomatoes to the onions. You put in the minced meat, mix it with the onions and tomatoes and fry it. You add salt and pepper. Then you boil the potatoes, and mix it with butter and milk. Put the meat in a dish, and cover it with the potatoes. Bake it in the over at 180°C until the top turns brown.

9 2

take away

3  over

4  What

5  much

6  bottle



8  sort

9  large

10  small

11  else

10 2 scissors; hardware shop or stationer's

3 toothpaste; chemist's

4 newspaper; newsagent's

5 shampoo; chemist's

6 envelopes: stationer's

11 Students' own answers

Unit 9  Test A




3  largest

4  longest

5  most popular






3  longer

4  faster

5  older


more difficult

3 2 busiest

3 coolest

4 more expensive

5 hotter

6 most exciting

7 busier

8 more boring

9 better

10 more modern

4 2 Has this town got a public bath?

3 We haven't got any money.

4 Has she got a good job?

5 This market's got some beautiful old furniture.

6 The Underground hasn't got crowded trains.

5 2 Has your mother got an up-to-date mobile phone? 3 Has your town got a railway system?

4 Have you got any US dollars in your bag? 5 Have you got an English dictionary?

6 Has your school got PCs or Apple Macs?

6 Students' own answers

7 2

office block  3  pavement

4  bridge  5  market


cottage  7  library  8  park

9  valley

8 2 No, he didn't. (He climbed to the top.)

3 It took four days.

4 Yes, he did. (The city looked much more beautiful than the photos you see on TV.)

5 No, they didn't. (There weren't many people around [when] we watched the sunrise.)

6 Lots of tourists arrived and started taking photos.

7 19 million people live in Shanghai.

8 No, she didn't. (She went up the Oriental Pearl Tower. Now there's an even taller one.)

9 Yes, she did.

9 Model answer

My favourite city is Budapest. 2 million people live in the city. I love it because it is beautiful, it's got a lot of things to see and do, great cafés and restaurants, cinemas, theatres, shops, museums – you're never bored in Budapest! It's most famous for the river

Danube in the middle of the city, and the bridges over the river. Budapest has got two very different parts: Buda's got lots of green hills, and Pest is more exciting.

10 2


3  round

4  down  5  under  6  turn



8  past

9  through

11 2 Go along

3 You can't miss it

4 near here

5 past the newsagent's

6 the traffic lights

7 the corner

12 Students' own answers

Unit 9  Test B

1 2 The Underground hasn't got crowded trains.

3 This market's got some beautiful jewellery.

4 Milan's got a big commercial centre.

5 He hasn't got any money.

6 Has this town got a library?

2 2 Have you got any Euros in your bag?

3 Has your school got PCs or Apple Macs?

4 Has your father got an up-to-date mobile phone? 5 Have you got an Arabic dictionary?

6 Has your town got a railway system?

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011


Unit tests answers  Continued


Students' own answers



older  3  longer  4  more difficult

5  colder





most popular  3  largest  4  best

5  highest





more modern




more boring




most exciting




more expensive





7 2 No, she didn't. (She went up the Oriental Pearl Tower. Now there's an even taller one.)

3 Yes, she did.

4 Yes, he did.

5 No, he didn't. (He climbed to the top.)

6 It took four days.

7 Yes, he did. (The city looked much more beautiful than the photos you see on TV.)

8 No, they didn't. (There weren't many people around [when] we watched the sunrise.)

9 Lots of tourists arrived and started taking photos.

8 Model answer

My favourite city is Budapest. 2 million people live in the city. I love it because it is beautiful, it's got a lot of things to see and do, great cafés and restaurants, cinemas, theatres, shops, museums – you're never bored in Budapest! It's most famous for the river

Danube in the middle of the city, and the bridges over the river. Budapest has got two very different parts: Buda's got lots of green hills, and Pest is more exciting.

9 2


3  round  4  up  5  over  6  turn



8  past  9  through

10 2 past the newsagent's

3 the traffic lights

4 the corner

5 Can you tell me

6 Go along

7 You can't miss it

11 2 valley

3 market

4 library

5 pavement

6 village

7 bridge

8 park

9 office block

12 Students' own answers



Unit 10  Test A

1 2 isn't watching

3 are competing

4 Are the scientists doing

5 are learning

6 Are you seeing

7 am reading

8 is enjoying

9 Is Bella working

10 Are we going

11 aren't writing

2 2 is studying

3 are standing

4 drinks

5 am cooking

6 wear

3 2 Who is he talking to?

3 Does he usually have toast for breakfast?

4 Where does she work?

5 What are you wearing?

6 Do you go to work by bus?

7 What time / When do they get up?

8 Why are you laughing?




3  Everybody

4  Nobody

5  anything



7  somewhere

8  everywhere






3  F  4  T  5  ?  6  F

7  T  8  ?

9  ?

10  T

11  F

12  ?

6 Model answer

Leo and Ken are both my friends. Although they are brothers, they don't look very similar. Leo has got dark hair and Ken's hair is blond. Leo lives in Oxford and Ken lives in London because he likes big cities. They are both teachers but Leo teaches sport and Ken teaches music.

There are some things they both like doing. For example, Ken loves going to the cinema and Leo likes films too, so they often go to the cinema together.

7 2


3  in  4  at  5  on  6  at  7  in  8  on



10  at

8 2 Jack's busy – he is writing emails at the moment. 3 I don't know anybody in this town.

4 Who are you talking to?

5 I sometimes study in the library.

6 I don't have anything to say to you.

9 2 Let me have a look.

3 Never mind.

4 Can I take a message?

5 We're just looking, thanks.

10 Students' own answers

New Headway Elementary FOURTH EDITION


© Oxford University Press 2011


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